

name : ailee
birthday : 15th April

if i say something wrong or my jokes makes you uncomfortable, please lmk and educate me

likes :
milosushismells of gasoline seeing a video of me eatinggranola

dislikes :
sound of heavy raincoffemacarontiramisuhouse gecko


Groups :

Biases :

some of the kindest soul


Vi (bchnfm)IseriaIzaaXyiYenadaily_jungwonElleAngel Teya Ari (micasaborahae)Yuki

please know that i'm forever thankful for you all. thankyou for comforting me and being there for me. if you ever feel down or sad and need someone, i'll always be there for you, just dm me anytime if i'm late at replying that means i'm sleeping, i'll reply when i wake up /hj sksksk i'm really lucky to know y'all, i mean it. Please, promise me, don't ever doubt yourself and be happy even when it's hard. I really love you all, like REAAALLYYY skskskk <333

to my other moots :
let's interact more! i wanna be friends with y'all also sometimes i have 0 interactions hfhfhfh. if you need someone, don't hesitate to dm me even if we haven't talked or interacted before. i promise i don't bite :D

ps : if you confuse on how to start a convo with me just go hey! or hello! jdsjdjs